Ортодонтический экспансионный винт Dentaurum
$11.00 as low as $9.90Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенАкриловая пудра Dentaurum Orthocryl Acrylic Powder
$131.90 as low as $118.71Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенОртодонтический расширительный винт Morelli Palatal Split
$31.90 as low as $28.71Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенОртодонтический расширительный винт Hyrax Click угловой RPE Dentaurum Click
$95.00 as low as $85.50Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенУниверсальные серебряные проволочные стержни для пайки Morelli
$93.90 as low as $84.51Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенDentaurum Orthocryl Clear Acryl Liquid, жидкий акрил, 1000 мл
$125.00 as low as $112.50Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенПаяльная паста Morelli Silver Solder Flux Paste
$21.00 as low as $18.90Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенОртодонтические прозрачные пластины для вакуумного формования DSI
$39.00 as low as $35.10Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенDentaurum Rematitan® Titanium Laser Welding Wire Solder Roll
$105.90 as low as $95.31Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенDentaurum Rectangular Lingual Bar
$71.90 as low as $64.71Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенDentaurum RPE Hyrax® Expansion Screw Without Legs
$79.90 as low as $71.91Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенDentaurum Винт с двойной пластиной, передне-упорный, в соотв. В Шаненг
$36.00 as low as $32.40Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенDentaurum Orthocryl Pearl Disco Glitter с блестками
$103.00 as low as $92.70Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенГлиттер Dentaurum Orthocryl Gold Disco Glitter
$103.00 as low as $92.70Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенГлиттер Dentaurum Orthocryl Silver Disco Glitter
$103.00 as low as $92.70Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенDentaurum Orthocryl Iris Disco Glitter блестки
$103.00 as low as $92.70Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенDentaurum Orthocryl Белый порошок
$103.00 as low as $92.70Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенПорошок Dentaurum Orthocryl Black Powder
$103.00 as low as $92.70Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенКруглые трубы из нержавеющей стали Dentaurum
$42.50 as low as $38.25Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенDentaurum Orthocryl Pink Acryl Liquid 250 мл жидкий акрил
$103.00 as low as $92.70Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенЖидкий акрил Dentaurum Orthocryl Turquoise Acryl Liquid 250 мл
$103.00 as low as $92.70Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенЖидкий акрил Dentaurum Orthocryl Yellow Acryl Liquid 250 мл
$103.00 as low as $92.70Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенDentaurum Orthocryl Blue Acryl Liquid 250 мл жидкий акрил
$103.00 as low as $92.70Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенDentaurum Orthocryl Green Acryl Liquid 250 мл жидкий акрил
$103.00 as low as $92.70Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенМини-расширительный винт Dentaurum Variety Click
$32.90 as low as $29.61Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенУсилители дентаурума Twisted Flat Roll
$162.90 as low as $146.61Цена за единицу товара /Недоступен- $34.90 as low as $31.41Цена за единицу товара /Недоступен
Пробирки с активатором Morelli
$25.90 as low as $23.31Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенРулон лабораторных катушек Morelli CrNi
$29.90 as low as $26.91Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенDentaurum Quad Helix Jaw Expander Cross Bite
$23.90 as low as $21.51Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенПробирки с активатором Dentaurum
$63.00 as low as $56.70Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенЗастежки Dentaurum Ball Retainer Clasps
$135.00 as low as $121.50Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенУниверсальный серебряный проволочный припой Dentaurum
$97.90 as low as $88.11Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенУниверсальная серебряная паяльная проволока Morelli Ø0,5 мм
$47.00 as low as $42.30Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенDentaurum Трехмерный расширительный винт Bertoni
$39.00 as low as $35.10Цена за единицу товара /Недоступен
A dental lab can fabricate a variety of orthodontic appliances to address different alignment issues and patient needs. They include the following:
- Custom Brackets
- Clear Aligners
- Retainers
- Palatal Expanders
- Space Maintainers
Each orthodontic appliance is custom-made to ensure an optimal fit and effectiveness. Created according to the individual's unique dental structure and specific orthodontic prescription, these appliances are designed to provide effective treatment while maximizing patient comfort. This tailored approach guarantees that each device works efficiently in correcting dental alignments, supporting a smoother and more precise treatment process.
Choosing the right dental lab supplies is critical because they have a direct impact on the final product that will be inserted into the patient’s mouth. Long-lasting materials produce a more robust product that will stand the test of time.
It’s important to remember that dental lab supplies are essential for orthodontics because the profession relies on these devices so heavily. By investing in high-quality products, orthodontists can ensure that they are providing patients with the best possible service.
Having a variety of options is also beneficial because it gives patients the freedom of choice. For example, adding glitter to prostheses can considerably improve the experience of a young child.
The type of the appliance, intricacy of the design, and dental laboratory workflow are some of the variables that affect how long it takes to create an oral prosthesis in a dental lab.
In general, it could take just a few days or require weeks of waiting. If the device is more complex in design, such as clear aligners, it can take several weeks to plan, produce, and modify, as opposed to simpler devices that can sometimes be finished in a few days.
It’s important to communicate with the laboratory to determine the expected lead time for your prostheses.
Yes, modifications can generally be made to orthodontic appliances after they have been manufactured. Adjustments can be carried out in the lab according to the orthodontist’s specifications. This includes altering the shape, design elements, and sometimes even the color of the device. However, the extent and ease of these modifications depend on the type of appliance and the materials used in its construction.
Laboratory technicians will work closely with you to ensure that the patient receives a device that is tailored to their needs and preferences.