Добавочный толщиномер ContacEZ IPR
$125.00 as low as $112.50Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенЗаправочный комплект ContacEZ Supra IPR
$527.90 as low as $475.11Цена за единицу товара /Недоступен- $647.90 as low as $583.11Цена за единицу товара /Недоступен
ContacEZ Hygienist Strip Набор полосок для удаления пятен и налета
$99.90 as low as $89.91Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенНабор полос ContacEZ Widener Teal IPR Plus
$99.90 as low as $89.91Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенНабор полос ContacEZ Widener Turquoise IPR Plus
$99.90 as low as $89.91Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенНабор полос ContacEZ Widener Aqua IPR Plus
$99.90 as low as $89.91Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенНабор полос ContacEZ Widener Mint IPR Plus
$99.90 as low as $89.91Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенНабор полос ContacEZ Widener Brown IPR Plus
$99.90 as low as $89.91Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенНабор полос ContacEZ Widener Purple IPR Plus
$99.90 as low as $89.91Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенНабор полосок для открывания ContacEZ Cyan IPR Plus
$99.90 as low as $89.91Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенНабор полосок для открывания ContacEZ Clear IPR Plus
$99.90 as low as $89.91Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенContacEZ Extra Widener Зеленые полосы IPR
$99.90 as low as $89.91Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенНабор полосок ContacEZ Widener Dark Blue IPR
$99.90 as low as $89.91Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенНабор красных IPR полосок ContacEZ Opener
$99.90 as low as $89.91Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенНабор желтых полос IPR ContacEZ Starter
$99.90 as low as $89.91Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенНабор полосок IPR Plus разных цветов ContacEZ
$99.90 as low as $89.91Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенContacEZ Набор разноцветных полосок IPR с цветовой кодировкой
$99.90 as low as $89.91Цена за единицу товара /НедоступенНабор алмазных полосок Easyinsmile IPR Plus Diamond Strips Kit
$65.00 as low as $58.50Цена за единицу товара /Недоступен
Interproximal reduction, also known as tooth stripping, can be beneficial for several reasons.
Firstly, it can improve tooth alignment. By making room between teeth, this procedure allows teeth to move to the right places, which can drastically improve a patient’s smile. Furthermore, tooth stripping can be a great alternative for extractions.
A person can receive orthodontic treatment without having to pull any of their teeth, thanks to IPR. It can also improve a person’s bite, which can positively affect their quality of life.
As discussed previously, interproximal reduction is used to create more space between teeth. In the section below, we’ll take a closer look at its significance and why it is performed in orthodontics.
- Addressing incisor protrusion. Some patients present with protruding upper incisors that extend to sit in front of the lower teeth when they bite down. Tooth stripping of these teeth can help to rectify this, restoring the person's smile.
- Preparation for other orthodontic procedures. Another reason why you might need to make space between teeth is to prepare for the insertion of braces or aligners. Instead of having to extract teeth, they can be stripped to make room for these orthodontic devices.
- Eliminating black spaces that can form between teeth. It is also used to prevent the formation of black spaces that can occur after a patient has received orthodontic treatment. By making the teeth narrower, the gums are given the space they require to expand and fill in the exposed area.
Unfortunately, like most medical procedures, IPR may come with certain side effects. It’s important to understand that when you reduce the size of a tooth, you are getting rid of healthy layers of tissue.
As a result, the patient may experience tooth sensitivity, as they have less protection. Moreover, some patients also report pain, but this generally occurs for a short time after IPR has been performed.
Tooth stripping should never be performed on candidates with poor oral hygiene, as complications could arise, resulting in damage to the teeth. You will also need to verify the amount of tooth tissue that can be removed safely prior to the commencement of the procedure to avoid permanently damaging the tooth.
While there may be temporary pain after the procedure, the procedure itself is relatively pain-free. This is because tooth enamel doesn’t have any nerve endings, so when IPR is conducted by a reliable and well-trained professional, it does not hurt.
If patients experience discomfort, local anesthesia can be used to prevent this and ensure that the procedure is entirely pain-free.